Hideo Kojima says Physint’s happening because you lot just wouldn’t stop asking for ‘a new Metal Gear’ and, after a brush with death, he’s decided that’s not a bad idea-

Hideo Kojima has relaunched the Hideo Kojima YouTube show ‘HideoTube’, a Hideo Kojima production starring Hideo Kojima. Okay I’ll stop with the obvious jokes, but this is a new episode (“The HideoTube 2024 special”, no less) in a series that stopped shortly after the creator’s acrimonious departure from Konami, and the first new entry in seven years. It’s an hourlong and wide-ranging chat between Kojima, host Risa Unai, and various talking heads involved with Kojima Productions’ work. 

I’m the biggest Kojima fan in the world, but I will admit the man is not shy about blowing his own horn. A whole bunch of the running time is Kojima and company re-watching the recent trailers for Death Stranding 2, OD and the Physint announcement and then talking about how…

Immortality developer Sam Barlow teases 2 new projects on Steam, and one of them is survival horror-

Sam Barlow’s studio Half Mermaid, the developer of Her Story, Telling Lies, and Immortality—one of highest-reviewed games of 2022—are teasing a pair of mysterious new projects on Steam called, mysteriously, Project C and Project D.

The newly-arrived Steam pages for both new games are heavily redacted. The description for Project C opens with a biblical quote—“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known”—and then teases “the new cinematic” something that promises something “for the first time ever in a videogame.”

Project D, on the other hand, is a survival horror something—game, perhaps—whose description includes the words “1983,” “nurse,” “nightm…

Miyazaki says Bloodborne is ‘a title we hold very dear’ but remains maddeningly vague about whether it’ll ever come to PC-

This week we got our first serious look at Shadow of the Erdtree, and it looks like FromSoft is out to exceed its own incredibly high DLC standards. But let’s put 2022’s hottest title to one side for a moment, because what matters is that the Erdtree trailer has been accompanied by FromSoftware CEO Hidetaka Miyazaki giving some interviews about the game: during some of which he was asked about my own white whale, the endless rumours and requests for a Bloodborne PC release and/or remaster.

The 2015 PlayStation 4 exclusive remains locked to that platform (and 30FPS), despite being in many folks’ eyes the finest game this exceptional studio has yet produced. It seems inconceivable, given the success of the Souls games, nevermind Elden Ring, that it will not at some poi…

Starfield player spawns thousands of milk cartons in space and smashes into them, resulting in one of the most majestic scenes I’ve ever witnessed-

I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of Starfield players gathering or spawning vast numbers of mundane objects and dumping them all in one place, but for now I think I’ve found my favourite. It involves a lot of milk, and not for the first time.

As shown off by Space_Scumbag in the Starfield subreddit, through the magic of console commands it’s possible to spawn far too many milk cartons in space, leave your ship, and then joyfully smash into them, sending them hurtling into the void. It’s truly a sight to behold.

Before the carnage begins, the cartons form a shape that calls to mind a race track, evocative of Mario Kart’s Rainbow Road, but it’s definitely not stable enough for a vehicle, as evidenced by what happens when the cartons are collided with. There’s…