Hideo Kojima says Physint’s happening because you lot just wouldn’t stop asking for ‘a new Metal Gear’ and, after a brush with death, he’s decided that’s not a bad idea-

Hideo Kojima has relaunched the Hideo Kojima YouTube show ‘HideoTube’, a Hideo Kojima production starring Hideo Kojima. Okay I’ll stop with the obvious jokes, but this is a new episode (“The HideoTube 2024 special”, no less) in a series that stopped shortly after the creator’s acrimonious departure from Konami, and the first new entry in seven years. It’s an hourlong and wide-ranging chat between Kojima, host Risa Unai, and various talking heads involved with Kojima Productions’ work. 

I’m the biggest Kojima fan in the world, but I will admit the man is not shy about blowing his own horn. A whole bunch of the running time is Kojima and company re-watching the recent trailers for Death Stranding 2, OD and the Physint announcement and then talking about how…

Immortality developer Sam Barlow teases 2 new projects on Steam, and one of them is survival horror-

Sam Barlow’s studio Half Mermaid, the developer of Her Story, Telling Lies, and Immortality—one of highest-reviewed games of 2022—are teasing a pair of mysterious new projects on Steam called, mysteriously, Project C and Project D.

The newly-arrived Steam pages for both new games are heavily redacted. The description for Project C opens with a biblical quote—“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known”—and then teases “the new cinematic” something that promises something “for the first time ever in a videogame.”

Project D, on the other hand, is a survival horror something—game, perhaps—whose description includes the words “1983,” “nurse,” “nightm…